Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Conscious Transformation Reading

I'm in a "growth spurt" of transformation, and struggling with ideas about work, money, and my physical energy.  Though I know it is neurotic, and a negative belief pattern that holds no real truth, somewhere deep in my brain is this nagging belief that in order to be prosperous I have to sacrifice something (joy, moral compass, energy/physical health) in return.  I am trying to rid myself of this belief and am using this reading in order to inspire me to let go and release into the next stage of my life, which is fast approaching (I can feel it!).
I've hit rock bottom, financially, but physically my health is still improving, and my spirit continues to grow and transform and go through the layers of pain and freedom.
1. Where am I stuck? The Knight of Wands shows me I'm struggling with confidence and inspiration.  I'm lacking in my ability to feel my personal power (so much red! passion! energy!), while I await a great big adventure and a bold, brash new life.
2. Where is life trying to take me? The Ace of Swords tells me I'm moving into (or trying to) a stage of life where intellect, communication, and clarity are hallmarks of my functioning. Truth, Powerful Truth, is trying to make its way into my life.
3. How can I release and move forward? The 7 of Wands tells me I'm sort of cornered by thoughts, or interpretations of peoples actions or attitudes, that diminish my confidence. Conviction will carry me through, and I should not give up my firm beliefs, but stand my ground as I wait this out.
4. What is life trying to teach me? The 2 of Wands shows me that there is a fork in the road, and I need to make a decision, but not with logic, with intuition. The physical world isn't making much sense and I need to use my gut and inner voice to move me forward.
5. Further Advice? The Knight of Cups boisterously reminds me to ENJOY! Embrace romance, love, and pure celebration! Don't get down and serious about this, life is here to enjoy, and this is all for you.
6. Outcome: The 2 of Pentacles shows me what I so yearn for : ease and magic in the juggling of all aspects of life.  I long so much to be strengthened by life, inspired by my work and joy, and to move forward with ease and balance.

Stay tuned, the next few months are going to be bumpy.  I have already labeled this next part of my life "Going through the Fires", and see exactly how this reading supports that.  Don't worry, I have a little bubble of joy around me, protecting me as I make my way through.

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